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Barstow Intermediate School

Technology Support

BUSD Hero Shot1

We are happy to provide our Administrators, Staff, and Students support for technology and data services. Our team is here to provide the highest level of service for all your technology needs in order to empower our educators to ensure Barstow Unified School District is always "Your BEST Choice for Academic Success!

     Neale Aulakh
     Director - Technology & Information Services


Computer with wrench
Submit a
Support TicketĀ 
BUSD Sun Logo
Knowledge BaseĀ 
*Only availableĀ on BUSD Networks
Two monitors a tablet and a phone. Person holding phone in right hand and touching screen with left pointer finger
Device List
cartoon boy smiling and using mouse in front of computer
Applications List


Get Support:
IT Support Help Desk: Infinite Campus Support:
760-252-5174 760-252-2512