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Barstow Intermediate School
Picture of the front of the Barstow Intermediate School Campus showing two admin buildings, flag pole, stairs, and a ramp against a blue sky with clouds.


REACH  them

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TEACH  them

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let them SOAR!

Cari Mauldin

Titles: Principal

Esther Manuel Reneau

Titles: Dean of Students

Staff Directory

Soar With The Falcons!
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(i.e. First Name, Last Name, Department, etc.)


Cari Mauldin

Titles: Principal
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Esther Manuel Reneau

Titles: Dean of Students
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Felicia Adeniji

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Leen Al Hattawi

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Jose Alva Astorga

Titles: Custodian
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Lyssa Ayers

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Samuel Blake

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Zinah Bulay-Og

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Jennifer Burany

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Alexander Camou

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Luis Chavez

Titles: Certificated Substitute Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School

Sylvia Chavez

Titles: Certificated Teacher
Locations: Barstow Intermediate School
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